Being far-sighted pays off

Datuk Dr Foo Wan Kien

CITY Motors Group was formed in 1963 when Datuk Dr Foo Wan Kien was just 22 years old.

With help from his elder sister Foo Meow Lan, he first ventured into the hire purchase and used-car business under Shoon Sen Sdn Bhd, the parent company of City Motors.

“In 1964, we were appointed as dealers of BMW, Mazda, Lancia and Rambler for Perak.

“We did exceptionally well and was later appointed sole distributor of Alfa Romeo cars in Malaysia, Singapore and Brunei.

“We also had very good results selling the Alfa Romeo but when the Italian car maker wanted me to assemble its smaller cars in Malaysia, I refused,” saidFoo, explaining that with the introduction of Proton cars at the time, the price of Alfa Romeo cars would no longer be competitive.

The businessman’s far-sightedness was proven right for after that, no other dealers could match Foo’s results when it came to selling the popular Italian car.

“An Alfa Romeo is a car for enthusiasts.

“Those who love the Alfa Romeo have a playful personality and the most effective way of promoting the car is by organising events.

“I had an interest in doing all this and I organised many events to promote the Alfa Romeo as a household name and we won many fans along the way,” he said.

Foo was the man behind the 1976 Asean Rally, Ipoh’s first Motor Fair in 1978 where Bond girl Tan Sri Michelle Yeoh was crowned Miss Lion’s Club, and the 1985 Pesta Perak that attracted 700,000 people to Ipoh.

“Many ask why I take so much trouble in organising such events.

“The reason is simple — it is my interest,” said Foo, who at just 15, was already making big bucks by organising events at school.

“After Form Three, I formed a photography club and organised events every week.

“My father used to take me around on his motorcycle to take photographs and I was making $300 every month, more than what some salaried workers were being paid at the time,” he said.

Until now, Foo continues to organise mega events that would make Ipoh proud.

Only recently, City Motors celebrated Chap Goh Meh and Valentine’s Day by hosting the country’s first fire dragon dance at the Kinta Riverwalk.

“When I first started out, I never expected my business to grow so big.

“I like to make money with pleasure, not under pressure.

“Therefore, my business is never too aggressive. That is why my companies are not even public listed and our loans are marginal,” he said.

City Motors also owns about 2,144ha of oil palm in Perak, and during the 1990s, was the biggest prawn dealer in the country.


Privacy Notice/Notis Peribadi

Sri Seltra Sdn Bhd and all it’s wholly or jointly controlled entities and associate companies (collectively ‘Group’ and where the context requires will refer to any of the relevant company within the Group) hereby issues this Privacy Notice in compliance with the Personal Data Protection Act 2010 (‘Act’). All references to the terms “Personal Data” shall have the same meaning as ascribed in the Act. The word “you” shall refer to yourself and/or such other person or companies represented by you of whom you are providing Personal Data and the word “us” mean the Group.

Sri Seltra Sdn Bhd serta kesemua anak-anak syarikatnya yang dikawal secara menyeluruh atau bersama dan mana-mana syarikat berkaitan (secara kolektif “Kumpulan Syarikat” dan dimana konteks memerlukan rujukan Kumpulan Syarikat bermakna mana-mana syarikat yang berkenaan dalam Kumpulan Syarikat) mengemukakan Notis Privasi sebagai pematuhan Akta Perlindungan Data Peribadi 2010 (“Akta tersebut”). Segala rujukan kepada perkataan “Data Peribadi” adalah mempunyai makna yang sama sepertimana di peruntukan di Akta tersebut. Perkatan “anda” yang digunapakai dibawah ini merujuk kepada anda sendiri dan/atau mana-mana pihak atau syarikat lain yang anda mewakili dan memberi Data Peribadi dan perkataan “kami” merujuk kepada Kumpulan Syarikat.

A. Information Collected / Kegunaan Data Privasi yang dikumpul

(i.) The Personal Data collected may include the following information; your name, date of birth, address, gender, race, nationality, ethnic origin, contact details, identification card/passport details, occupation, profession, employer’s details, income, marital status, children’s details, salutation, and/or lifestyle details including but not limited to car registration details, introducer details and loan details. All the above shall include copies of the relevant documents. The above list is non-exhaustive and may be updated from time to time and published at the website of the Group that can be accessed at: Lot 30442, Jalan Cempaka 6, Taman Nirwana, 68000 Ampang Selangor.

Data Peribadi yang akan dikumpulkan termasuk maklumat-maklumat berkenaan berikut; nama anda, jantina, bangsa, kewarganegaraan, asal etnik, kad pengenalan/maklumat paspot, perkerjaan, profesion, majikan, pendapatan, status perkhawinan, maklumat anak-anak, jawatan kehormatan, dan/atau perihal gaya hidup termasuk tetapi tidak terhad kepada maklumat pendaftaran kereta, pihak pengenal dan maklumat pinjaman. Kesemua diatas juga termasuk salinan dokumen- dokumen yang berkenaan. Senarai perkara-perkara di atas ini adalah tidak meyeluruh dan boleh dikemaskini bila-bila masa saja dan dipaparkan di dalam laman sesawang Kumpulan yang boleh diakses di: Lot 30442, Jalan Cempaka 6, Taman Nirwana, 68000 Ampang Selangor.

(ii.) Your Personal Data are collected from various sources including but not limited to:
(a) information or comments from various sources provided by you to us by whatsoever means and in whatsoever manner which shall include any technical data generated by your electronic communication with the Group such as your ISP address and etc.;
(b) information submitted online by you using any online facilities;
(c) information from third party referral;
(d) information obtained independently by us from lawful sources;

Data Peribadi dikumpulkan dari pelbagai sumber termasuk tetapi tidak terhad kepada:
(a) maklumat atau komen dari pelbagai sumber yang dikemukan oleh anda kepada kami melalui apa jua cara dan/atau bentuk termasuk apa-apa maklumat teknikal yang dijanakan semasa anda berkomunikasi secara elektronik dengan Kumpulan Syarikat sebagai contoh alamat ISP anda dan lain-lain;
(b) maklumat yang dimasukkan oleh anda semasa mengunapakai apa jua kemudahan dalam talian;
(c) maklumat dari pihak ketiga sebagai pengenal; dan
(d) maklumat yang diperolehi secara berasingan oleh kami dari sebarang sumber yang sah dari segi undang-undang.

B. Purpose of Collection of Personal Data / Tujuan Mengumpul Data Peribadi

By providing your Personal Date you hereby agree that the Group shall collect, retain and use your Personal Data for the following purposes:
(a) Performing discharging any and all of the Group’s contractual obligations with you;
(b) Processing your application;
(c) Conducting research for the planning of products, goods, services or other statistical or benchmarking analysis;
(d) Purposes of connected with operation, administration, management, development, record-keeping, contractual enforcement and communication with you;
(e) As required by the law or in compliance with any legal processes;
(f) As required to be disclosed to any third party with interest to acquiring an interest in/of the Group;
(g) Disclosure by any service or product provider engaged by the Group as is required under any laws, directives or guidelines to any governmental or non-governmental agencies or bodies or any third party;
(h) The above list is non-exhaustive and may be updated on from time to time by the Group and published at the above website of the Group.

Dengan memberi Data Peribadi anda kepada Kumpuan Syarikat, anda setuju agar Kumpulan Syarikat mengumpul, menyimpan dan mengunapakai Data Peribadi anda untuk tujuan berikut:
(a) melaksanakan kesemua atau mana-mana obligasi kontrak Kumpulan Syarikat dengan anda;
(b) memproses permohonan anda;
(c) melaksanakan peyelidikan, untuk perancangan produk, perkhidmatan atau apa-apa analisa statistic dan penanda aras;
(d) berkaitan dengan tujuan operasi, pentadbiran, pengurusan, pembanguan, simpanan rekod, penguatkuasaan kontrak serta komunikasi dengan anda;
(e) sepertimana yang dikehendaki oleh undang-undang atau apa-apa proses undang-undang;
(f) sepertimana yang diperlukan oleh mana-mana pihak ketiga yang mempunyai hasrat memperolehi kepentingan dalam/pada Kumpulan Syarikat;
(g) pendedahan oleh mana-mana pembekal perkhidmatan atau produk yang dilantik oleh Kumpulan Syarikat sepertimana yang dikehendaki dibawah apa-apa undang-undang, direktif, garis panduan kepada apa-apa jabatan atau agensi kerajaan atau bukan kerajaan dan mana-mana pihak ketiga yang berkenaan;
(h) Senarai perkara-perkara diatas ini adalah tidak sempurna dan boleh dikemaskini bila-bila masa saja dan dipaparkan di dalam laman sesawang Kumpulan Syarikat sepertimana yang dirujuk diatas ini.

C. Use and Disclosure / Kegunaan dan Pendedahan

Your Personal Data provided to us will be kept confidential but you agree that the Group may disclose and transfer (whether in Malaysia or abroad) amongst any company within the Group and/or to third parties as may be necessary or appropriate including but not limited to the Group’s consultants, solicitors, auditors, employers, contractors, suppliers, partners, joint venture partners, advertisers, purchasers, network operators, property management companies, service and product providers, associated companies, any relevant authorities (governmental and/or non-governmental), embassies, statutory bodies, regulatory bodies, any organisations or relevant financial institutions, any other persons under a duty of confidentiality to the Group or any company within the Group, any companies within the Group (including those established or incorporated from time to time), actual or proposed assignees or transferees or buyers of any of rights/businesses/assets of the companies within the Group, service and product providers (including those who assist us in providing the Group’s Website), for the Group’s operational, administration and development requirements and to organizations who provide archival, auditing, professional advisory, debt collection, insurance, banking, marketing, advertising, mail house, delivery, recruitment, call centre, technology, research, utility, loyalty programme and security services to use, disclose, hold, process, retain or transfer such Personal Data for the purposes of (B) above for and on behalf of Group.

Data Peribadi yang diberikan oleh anda kepada kami akan dirahsiakan tetapi anda bersetuju bahawa Kumpulan Syarikat boleh mendedahkan dan memindahkan (sama ada di Malaysia atau di luar Negara) di antara mana-mana syarikat dalam Kumpulan Syarikat atau mana-mana pihak ketiga yang perlu dan sesuai termasuk tetapi tidak terhad kepada pakar perunding, peguam, juru audit, majikan, kontraktor, pembekal, rakan kongsi, ahli gabungan bersama, pengiklan, pembeli, pengendali rangkaian, syarikat yang menjalankan urusan hartanah, pembekal perkhidmatan dan produk, syarikat-syarikat bersekutu Kumpulan Syarikat, mana-mana pihak berkuasa (kerajaan dan/atau bukan kerajaan), kedutaan, badan berkuatkuasa mana-mana organisasi atau institusi kewangan berkenaan, seseorang yang lain dibawah tugas kerahsiaan terhadap Kumpulan Syarikat atau mana-mana syarikat Kumpuan Syarikat (termasuk yang ditubuhkan atau diperbadankan dari masa ke semasa), pemegang serahan hak atau penerima pindaan atau pembeli sama ada sebenar atau yang dicadangkan bagi apa-apa hak/perniagaan/asset dalam mana-mana syarikat Kumpulan Syarikat, pembekal perkhidmatan atau produk (termasuk mereka yang membantu kami dalam penyediaan laman sesawang) untuk keperluan operasi, pentadbiran, pembangunan Kumpulan Syarikat dan organisasinya yang membekal perkhidmatan arkib, audit, nasihat professional, pungutan hutang, insuran, perbankan, pemasaran, mailhouse, penghantaran, perekrutan, pusat panggilan, teknologi, penyelidikan, utiliti, progra m kesetiaan dan keselamatan mengunakan, mendedahkan, memegang, memproses, menyimpan atau memindah Data Peribadi bagi tujuan pemgumpulan Data Peribadi di perkara (B) di atas dan bagi pihak Kumpulan Syarikat.

D. No liability / Tanpa liabiliti

Notwithstanding the Personal Date collected, the Group shall not be liable for the non-achieving of any of the purposes set out in item (B) above. In addition failure in your part to furnish complete Personal Data may result in our inability to provide to you the full and complete range of benefits and/or services under any contract or otherwise.

Meskipun Data Peribadi yang dikumpulkan, Kumpulan Syarikat tidak menanggung sebarang tanggungjawab atau liability sekiranya mana- mana tujuan sepertimana yang diperihal di perkara (B) diatas tidak dapat dicapai. Selain daripada yang diatas kegagalan anda untuk mengemukakan kepada Kumpulan Syarikat Data Peribadi anda yang secukupnya, kemungkinan Kumpulan Syarikat tidak dapat memberi pelbagai manfaat atau perkhidmatan menurut apa-apa kontrak atau lain-lain.

E. Storage and Retention of Personal Data/ Simpanan dan Pengekalan Data Peribadi

(i.) The Group may store your Personal Date in hard copies or electronically in or outside Malaysia at any office or storage space, operated by the Group or any of its service providers for as long as necessary for the purposes of item (B) above and in compliance with any legal, regulatory or accounting requirements in the interest of the Group.

Kumpulan Syarikat boleh menyimpan Data Peribadi anda dalam bentuk salinan cetak atau secara elektronik di dalam atau di luar Malaysia di mana-mana pejabat atau ruang stor yang dikendalikan oleh Kumpulan Syarikat atau mana-mana pembekal perkhidmatan yang dilantik oleh Kumpulan Syarikat untuk tempoh masa untuk mencapai tujuan sepertimana yang diperihal di perkara (B) diatas ini dan bagi mematuhi apa-apa undang-undang, kerperluan pihak berkuatkuasa atau perakaunan untuk melindungi kepentingan Kumpulan Syarikat.

(ii.) The Group does not offer any online deletion of your Personal Data.

Kumpuan Syarikat tidak menawarkan apa-apa kemudahan dalam talian untuk memadam Data Peribadi anda.

F. Right to access Personal Data / Hak untuk akses Data Peribadi

(i.) You may access to your Personal Data on payment by paying a prescribed fee to the Group and to request the Group to update correctly any of your incorrect Personal Date as is permissible in law.

Anda boleh mengakses Data Peribadi anda atas pembayaran suatu fi yang ditetapkan kepada Kumpulan Syarikat dan meminta Kumpulan Syarikat megemaskini atau membetulkan apa-apa maklumat peribadi anda yang tidak betul setakat yang diperuntukan oleh undang-undang.

(ii.) You may post any questions regarding this Privacy Notice, access your Personal Data or withdraw your consent by sending a written notice to the Group in the following address: Lot 30442, Jalan Cempaka 6, Taman Nirwana, 68000 Ampang Selangor.

Anda boleh mengemukakan sebarang pertanyaan berkenaan Notis Privasi ini, mengakses Data Peribadi anda atau menarik balik persetujuan anda dengan menyampai suatu notis bertulis kepada Kumpulan Syarikat di alamat di bawah ini: Lot 30442, Jalan Cempaka 6, Taman Nirwana, 68000 Ampang Selangor.

The Group reserves the right to amend this Privacy Notice from time to time. You are advised to check this Privacy Notice on the Group’s website on a regular basis.

Kumpulan Syarikat berhak meminda Notis Privasi in bila-bila masa. Anda dinasihatkan untuk menyemak Notis Privasi ini di laman sesawang Kumpulan Syarikat secara lazim dari masa kemasa.